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Raising Riley (RR) Providers must be fully licensed by Kansas Department of Health and Environment Child Care Licensing (KDHE CCL)

RR Providers must remain in good standing with KDHE CCL. RR has access to “real-time” licensing survey findings.  Partners with the RR scholarship program are expected to meet high standards for the health and safety of children in care. These standards may or may not exceed licensing standards. If RR deems a facility’s operations reflect non-compliance, then a suspension from this partnership could result until the issue is resolved. Should there be repeated non-compliance concerns, Raising Riley scholarship participation may be terminated.


RR Providers must be located in Manhattan/Riley County.

A "Welcome to Raising Riley" visit will be made by a RR Representative. All necessary forms and agreements will be reviewed and signed during this meeting. The representative will outline how to submit monthly requests for payment and other responsibilities of the provider. 


Payment is made directly to provider. Direct Deposit option is available when appropriate forms are completed. 

RR Providers will allow RR representatives to visit home/center for an observations a minimum of two times per year.

RR Providers are responsible for completing and submitting the Child Care Scholarship Request for Payment form monthly for payment.
RR Providers must notify Raising Riley of any change in family or employment status, additional tuition assistance, hours child is in care, or intent to exit this child.
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