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Raising Riley Child Care Scholarship Application


What is a Raising Riley scholarship?
Through the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund’s Early Childhood Block Grant, the Raising Riley program (RR) has an opportunity to improve the affordability of child care. The scholarship program allows parents/guardians that live in Riley County the opportunity to receive financial assistance for child care if the preschool/daycare provider accepts RR funds. Raising Riley and the Riley County Health Department do not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, religion and marital or family status. All information contained in this application is strictly confidential.


All parents/guardians must be ONE of the following​:

Employed  a minimum of 30 hours per week

Full-time student (full time high school student, full-time college student =12 hours, masters student=6 hours)

Part-time student & part-time employment​​​Your child must be birth through five years old (not yet eligible for kindergarten). 

​Your child must be ENROLLED in full-time care with a participating licensed provider that participates with Raising Riley ​

Other financial assistance received for child care, for example, any payments from DCF assistance, military child care assistance, discounts by providers, etc. must be reported.

Your application must be complete and all supporting documentation must be returned with it.


Temporary Scholarship Award: A temporary scholarship may be awarded for child care during the job search process. This award will be for a one month period. At the conclusion of the one month period application will be reviewed with the family.

Emergency Scholarship Award: A temporary scholarship may be awarded for child care during a family crisis. Each situation will be addressed individually.

Wait List: In the event of a wait list, applications will be reviewed and prioritized based on the Raising Riley Risk Factor Assessment.

Scholarship Recipient Information

Child's Information (Scholarship Recipient)


Where does your child attend care?

Does your child have an IEP or IFSP?
Was your child born premature?
Have you been referred to our program by the Department of Children and Families?

Child Demographics

Child's Ethnicity

Child's Race

Child Health Insurance
Does this child speak a language other than English at home?
Child's Primary Language

Other Qualifying Information

Are you a Migrant Worker?
Are you experiencing a family emergency or have an individual need to be taken into consideration?
Have you received Raising Riley child care assistance in the past?

Parent/Guardian Information (Primary Contact)

Relationship to Child
Primary Caregiver's Gender
Primary Caregiver's Ethnicity

Primary Caregiver's Race

Does primary caregiver speak a language other than English at home?
Primary Caregiver's Primary Language
Primary Caregiver's Highest Education Completed
Marital Status
Primary Caregiver's Health Insurance

Household Information

Persons in household

Please list all residents living at your address. This includes roommates, family members, etc. 


Resident 1
Resident 2
Resident 3 - If Applicable
Resident 4 - If Applicable
Resident 5 - If Applicable
Resident 6 - If Applicable
Housing Arrangement
In the past year has your family had to sleep in a temporary living arrangement?

All Income Sources

Primary Caregiver's Employment Information
Secondary Caregiver's Employment Information - If Applicable

If an adult has multiple places of employment, list incomes in the extra space provided below. 

Does your family RECEIVE any of the following:

Child Support (direct or indirect)
DCF Child Care Subsidy
Discount or other reduction in tuition from child care provider
Any other assistance with child care?

REQUIRED: Please attach the following information (where applicable):

Most recent 3 paystubs or employment verification letter

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  • Documentation of marital status (legal separation agreement, divorce decree, etc.) - if applicable

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  • International Students: Copy of lawful presence documentation and financial support letters from home government - if applicable

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  • Student Self-Service Academic Certification form (can be printed from your KSIS account) or Enrollment Verification if attending school other than KSU.  (Please select one)

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  • Child's IEP/IFSP - If Applicable

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Responsibilities of Parent/Guardian

I understand that if I receive a Child Care Scholarship, I agree to:

To Whom it May Concern:

Please be sure to complete the Enrollment & Fee Verification form with your provider. You or your provider can access this form at located under the provider tab. You may also  access this form in a new browser window by clicking the button below. 

Thank you for your interest in the Raising Riley Child Care Scholarship Program. Please allow up to 3 business days for Raising Riley to process your application.  If you have any questions about your application please feel free to contact the Raising Riley office at (785) 776-4779 ext. 7663

Thanks for submitting!

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