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The Bear and the Fern

Join two unlikely friends (and one cleverly hidden ladybug), as they discover that anything is possible when you believe in yourself - and each other.

When a potted houseplant is placed down in a room with a happy-go-lucky, stuffed bear, an enduring bond is instantly formed. But while Bear is anxious to explore the world around them, Fern refuses to go with him, insistent that houseplants can't move.

He'd ask the plant nicely, each night 'fore he went, "Care to go for a walk?" but she'd never consent. "I can't go, don't bother," said the plant, sounding stern. "I'm unable to move, I'm only a fern."

Fern soon realizes, though, that she can do anything she wants once she's willing to try, and no matter how long it takes, she can always count on her good friend, Bear, for support.

From the author of the best-selling book, Ricky, the Rock that Couldn't Roll, this lyrical, beautifully illustrated story is a charming book that will have both boys and girls mesmerized from start to end. It combines the rhythm of Dr. Seuss, the heart of Shel Silverstein and the playfulness of Mo Williems.

Perfect for all children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and up, Pre-K -5th grade.


Story Tips

  • Encourage Your Child

    • When your child tells you the ending words on a page or helps you "read" the story, celebrate together!

  • Make Reading Together a Habit

    • When you read to your child every day, it cecomes a routine that your child will remember as comforing!

  • Point Out the Details

    • Notice details and the small changes in the illustrations of a book. It will help your child become a good observer and see differences in the shapes of letters when learning to read.

  • Predict the Story

    • Ask your child to guess what will be on the next page of the book you are reading together!

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